Obedient to the Word of God

Obedient to the Word of God

The first in a 3 part series on, “What kind of a church are we anyway?”.  In this message Noel Piepgrass works out of 2 Timothy 3:10-4:4 to discuss our value as a church for living lives obedient to the word of God.  In it he discusses what the Bible is, why it’s divinity can be trusted, and how we plan to walk out this value at Exeter Valley Church.  

Faith, Freedom & Females

Faith, Freedom & Females

In Matthew 9:18-26 Jesus raises to life the daughter of a synagogue leader and heals a desperate woman of her hemorrhaging disorder.  In these healings we see that Jesus responds to faith by bringing freedom from sickness AND death.  We also see in this story Jesus willingness to touch women, an often marginalized group, particularly in that ancient context.