Practicing the Prophetic | 1 Cor. 14 | Danny Bartlett

Practicing the Prophetic | 1 Cor. 14 | Danny Bartlett

In 1 Corinthians 14, the Apostle Paul says the church should eagerly desire the gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy and then he gives instructions for how to use it. In this teaching, Danny Bartlett, Youth Director at Radiant Church in Visalia, shows us what prophecy is, why it’s important, and how it can be practiced in the church. 

Jesus, God’s Sign

Jesus, God’s Sign

In Matthew 12:38-50 Jesus responds to the Pharisee’s request for a sign proving his divinity.  In detailing his response, Matthew points us to what Jesus calls The Sign of Jonah, a parable about a haunted house, and a short interaction between Jesus and some family members.  In these 3 stories, we see a common theme: Jesus is God’s Sign.  In his life, death, and resurrection we have all the proof we need.  The key is our response.  Will we make Jesus our Lord?  By Noel Piepgrass  

Jesus the Spirit King who Makes a Tree Good

Jesus the Spirit King who Makes a Tree Good

In Matthew 12:22-37, Jesus engages the Pharisees in a controversy about his healing of a demon-possessed, deaf and mute man.  Threatened by Jesus, the Pharisees claim he’s healing by the power of Satan.  In this passage Jesus warns against blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and tells a parable about our hearts being like a tree that produces fruit.  By Noel Piepgrass